Career Goals

To obtain the skills to work and research in Quantum computing, and make the earth a sustainable place. In the long term setup my own research facility and, help my country and the world develop further into a modern era.

About me

Hey there! I am Utsharga Anthony Cyril Rozario, I know a long name. But I usually go by Anthony or Utsharga, whichever is easier to pronounce. I am in second year Software Engineering at McMaster University. For as long as I can remember, I have aspired to be a software engineer. Working to achieve are the words I live by. I am an International student, on the course to achieve my dreams.

You can also view my resume here:

Some of my projects


Visual Basic

Experience: Two years
Projects: Binary Search, Connect 4
Currently learning: Visual Studio for Unity
Future Project: Simple 2D game


Experience: One Year
Projects: Modular Arm
Currently learning: Using all the tools
Future Project: 3D-printed Drone


Experience: One year
Projects: Card Games, Student Info Array
Currently learning: Machine Learning
Future Project: Program driven games


Experience: Six Months
Projects: Personal Website
Currently learning: Implementing Java Script
Future Project: Interactive Art Portfolio


Experience: Four years
Projects: Graphical Art, GHMUN
Currently learning: Blending
Future Project: Landscape intergration

Adobe Illustrator

Experience: Three Years
Projects: Graphical Art
Currently learning: Motion Graphics
Future Project: Stop motion with animation

C Programming language

Experience: Six Months
Projects: Fibonacci Sequence Simulation
Currently learning: Implentation
Future Project: N/A

Bash Shell

Experience: Six Months
Projects: Console Bar Graph
Currently learning: N/A
Future Project: N/A

MatLab & SimuLink

Experience: One year
Projects: Simulation of Graphs
Currently learning: Simulation
Future Project: Fully Automated Nav System

Contact Me